Registration for the New and Emerging Technologies Conference 2021 - Biotech meets Medicine
You would like to attend the #glycoNET21? Welcome! We look forward to welcoming you virtually out of Potsdam, September 22-24. There are only a few steps left until you can participate.
Ticket Options:
- 3-day ticket
- 300 €
- Access to all broadcasts of the lectures, expert panels and poster presentations
- Matchmaking opportunities that allow 1:1 video calls
- No travel expenses or long journeys
- Access to all recordings afterwards via the website of the glyconetBB
- 3-day ticket
- 200 €
- Access to all broadcasts of the lectures, expert panels and poster presentations
- Matchmaking opportunities that allow 1:1 video calls
- No travel expenses or long journeys
- Access to all recordings afterwards via the website of the glyconetBB